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cam350-A usefull tool to view PCB

    A use full tool to view PCB files in PCB Assembly 

    Today’s complex PCB designs require comprehensive verification before they are transferred to the PCB fabricator to ensure a successful and timely manufacture of bare boards. An usefull to for reviewing PCB files, is Cam350, which is released by DownStream Technologies, LLC.

    CMA350 It is a software and services company focused on helping high-tech engineering organizations optimize and automate the PCB Release Process. We deliver a truly integrated manufacturing data preparation platform. Our solutions allow engineering and manufacturing teams to work together to transition Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) designs into successful, physical PCBs, faster and and without compromise.

    DownStream’s solutions are the defacto standard for engineering professionals to post process PCB designs. Our tools help to create and distribute all the deliverables required for a complete PCB manufacturing and assembly release package. CAM350® and DFMStream® provide verification, optimization, and output generation data to efficiently drive PCB fabrication. BluePrint for Printed Circuit Boards® works with CAM350 and other PCB CAD systems to help quickly produce comprehensive electronic drawings to drive PCB fabrication, assembly, and inspection.

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